Verdener Familienforscher e.V.
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Name: Johann Michel Ott ()
Herkunftsort: Kandel
Schiffsname: Shirley (Schiff)
Abfahrt am in
Zwischenhafen: , Abfahrt:
Ankunft am 05.09.1751 in Philadelphia
Emigrants from the Palatine to the American Colonies in the 18th Century; compiled by Dr. Friedrich Krebs; Edited by Milton Rubincam; Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, Pennsylvania; 1953 --------------------------------------- OTT, Johann Michel. Cooper, of Freckenfeld. Son of Friedrich Ott, carpenter, from Oberkandel. Married at Freckenfeld, 26.1.1745, Maria Susanna, daughter of Johann Ludwig Helck, citizen at Freckenfeld Left for the new country, parents and children. Issue (born at Freckenfeld) : (1) Maria Catharina, b. 21.X.1746; (2) Johann Wendel, b. 22.III. 1750. Hans Michel Ott arrived on the ship Shirley, 5 Sept. 1751 (S-H I, 454). A Michael Ott, of Salsbury Twp., Northampton Co., took the sacrament, 8 Sept. 1765 (PHSL XXIV, 113).
Fundort: Norristown, Penns.
Quelle: Emigrants from the Palatine to the American Colonies in the 18th Century; compiled by Dr. Friedrich Krebs; Edited by Milton Rubincam; Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, Pennsylvania; 1953 (1953)
Einsteller: Rainer Doerry  Mail

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