Verdener Familienforscher e.V.
  Verdener Familienforscher e.V. Z u f a l l s f u n d e
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Name: Johannes Ott ()
Herkunftsort: Kandel
Schiffsname: King of Prussia (Schiff)
Abfahrt am in
Zwischenhafen: , Abfahrt:
Ankunft am 03.11.1764 in Philadelphia
Emigrants from the Palatine to the American Colonies in the 18th Century; compiled by Dr. Friedrich Krebs; Edited by Milton Rubincam; Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, Pennsylvania; 1953 --------------------------------------- OTT, Johannes. A shoemaker, who has left for Philadelphia from Kandel, 1764. Johannes Ott arrived on the ship King of Prussia, 3 Nov. 1764 (S-H I, 694).
Fundort: Norristown, Penns.
Quelle: Emigrants from the Palatine to the American Colonies in the 18th Century; compiled by Dr. Friedrich Krebs; Edited by Milton Rubincam; Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, Pennsylvania; 1953 (1953)
Einsteller: Rainer Doerry  Mail

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