Verdener Familienforscher e.V.
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Name: Johann Heinrich Lambert ()
Herkunftsort: Otterberg
Schiffsname: Chance (Schiff)
Abfahrt am in
Zwischenhafen: , Abfahrt:
Ankunft am 09.09.1765 in Philadelphia
Emigrants from the Palatine to the American Colonies in the 18th Century; compiled by Dr. Friedrich Krebs; Edited by Milton Rubincam; Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, Pennsylvania; 1953 --------------------------------------- LAMBERT, Johann Heinrich. Cartwright, from Otterberg. Son of Johann Nicolaus Lambert. Married at Thaleischweiler, 6.XII.1760, Maria Magdalena, daughter of Heinrich Daude (q.v.). Has left for Pennsylvania with wife and children 1763 May 7 (year incorrectly stated in the church register; should he 1765). Issue (born at Fröschen) : (1) Maria Catharina, b. 5.XII.1760 (legitimatized by the parents’ marriage on the following day) ; (2) Maria Charlotta, b. 23.X. 1763. Henrich Lambert arrived on the ship Chance, 9 Sept. 1765 (S-H I, 705).
Fundort: Norristown, Penns.
Quelle: Emigrants from the Palatine to the American Colonies in the 18th Century; compiled by Dr. Friedrich Krebs; Edited by Milton Rubincam; Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, Pennsylvania; 1953 (1953)
Einsteller: Rainer Doerry  Mail

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