Verdener Familienforscher e.V.
  Verdener Familienforscher e.V. Z u f a l l s f u n d e
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Name: Killian Fissel ()
Herkunftsort: Essenheim
Schiffsname: Loyal Judith (Schiff)
Abfahrt am in
Zwischenhafen: , Abfahrt:
Ankunft am 03.09.1742 in Philadelphia
Emigrants from the Palatine to the American Colonies in the 18th Century; compiled by Dr. Friedrich Krebs; Edited by Milton Rubincam; Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, Pennsylvania; 1953 --------------------------------------- FISSEL, Killian. Married Christina. Issue (born at Essenheim) : (!) Christian, bap. 29.VI.1721; (2) Kilian, bap. 14.111.1723; (3) Johannes, bap. 31.VIII.1727; (4) Johann Adam, bap. 3.VII.1729; (5) Anna Elisabetha, b. 28.IX.1731; (6) Friedrich, b. 24.V.1733; (7) Hanss Michel, b. 5.1.1735; (8) Philipp, b. 10.111.1737; (9) J. Henrich, b. 4.VIII.1739; (10) Lorentz, b. 15.1.1740. To America 1742, with wife and “11 children.” Kilan Fischel arrived on the ship Loyal Judith, 3 Sept. 1742 (S-H I, 323, 324, 326). Gillian Fissel (undoubtedly the Kilian baptized in 1723) made his will 17 Jan. 1785 (proved 4 Feb. 1790). He was a resident of Cordorus Twp., York Co. He named his wife Barbara, and his children Henry, Elizabeth, Catharina, Adam, and Margaret (GSP 144). Michael Fischei, of Paraclise Twp., York Co., made his will 14 Sept. 1809 (proved 10 May .1810) (GSP York 153). Henry Fishel, of Manheim Twp., York Co. made his will 14 March 1802 (proved 15 June 1802) (GSP York 148-149). Philip Fishel made his will 8 Feb. 1778 (proved 23 April 1778) (GSP York 137). John Fishell, of York Twp., made his will 6 Feb. 1776 (proved 10 March 1786) (GSP York 142). Frederick Fishell, of Paradise Twp., made a will (unclated) which was proved 22 May 1817 (GSP York 158).
Fundort: Norristown, Penns.
Quelle: Emigrants from the Palatine to the American Colonies in the 18th Century; compiled by Dr. Friedrich Krebs; Edited by Milton Rubincam; Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, Pennsylvania; 1953 (1953)
Einsteller: Rainer Doerry  Mail

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