Verdener Familienforscher e.V.
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Peter Klaesen |Claessen] arrived, with his wife and his two children, - the one years old, the other six -- at New Amsterdam in the year 1658. He was from Holstein, and a farmer by occupation. He came over in the ship "de Vergulde Bever," which sailed May 17, 1658. On December 7, 1664, Pieter Claessen van Dietmarssen was by Governor Richard Nicoll granted a request, he had made, to pass on the ship "Unity" to any port or harbor in Holland. It is probable that this is the Klaesen who came over in I6i58. His wife and children may have died in the mean time. Mrs. Peter Klaesen arrived at New Amsterdam in 1658, accompanied by her husband and two children. Klaesen and his wife were from Holstein, and probably were Danes.
Fundort: Minneapolis, Minn.
Quelle: Scandinavian immigrants in New York, 1630-1674 / John O. Eylen; Extract der Seiten 151-278: Part II.. Danish Immigrants in NewYork, 1630-1674
Einsteller: Rainer Doerry  Mail

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