Verdener Familienforscher e.V.
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David Wessel, who signed the petition of the Lutherans, in 1657, requesting that Rev. Goetwater might be permitted to remain in New Amsterdam as a Lutheran minister, was probably a German. His name as well as his close association with Germans, and his creed would indicate that. He was at Midwout in 1654; acted as sponsor for a child of Andries Rees, a German, in 1656. His wife was Tietje Gomme(ls). Their daughter, Amelia, was baptized July 4, 1660. Wessel was a turner. He lived, in 1665. on the Heere Graft in New Amsterdam.
Fundort: Minneapolis, Minn.
Quelle: Scandinavian immigrants in New York, 1630-1674 / John O. Eylen; Extract der Seiten 390-436: Appendix IV. German Immigrants in NewYork, 1630-1674
Einsteller: Rainer Doerry  Mail

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