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Paulus Schrick, from Nürnberg, was the leader of the Lutherans in New Amsterdam, as is seen by a letter of August 28, 1658, from the Reformed pastors in that city to the General Director and Council ..... Schrick married on November 29, 1658, in New Amsterdam, Maria Varleth, widow of Johannes van Beeck. She belonged to the aristocracy of the city. She had six brothers and sisters: 1) Nicholas, who married Anne Stuyvesant; 2) Janneke, married to Augustine Herrmans, a German from Prague; 3) Anna, wife of George Hawke; 4) Catharyn, wife of Francis de Bruyn; 5) Sarah; 6) Judith, wife of Nicholas Bayard. Schrick had two children, Susanna and Paulus, who were born at Hartford. But both children were baptized in New Amsterdam on the same day, September 2, 1663. Schrick died in the same year. His widow married a third husband in 1664, William Teller.
Fundort: Minneapolis, Minn.
Quelle: Scandinavian immigrants in New York, 1630-1674 / John O. Eylen; Extract der Seiten 390-436: Appendix IV. German Immigrants in NewYork, 1630-1674
Einsteller: Rainer Doerry  Mail

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