Verdener Familienforscher e.V.
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Jochem Beeckman was in New Amsterdam in 1639 or before. He was a cobbler by trade. He had a quick hand and a readv tongue wherewith to defend himself, what brought him several times into court. His wife was a faithful ally in matters of self-defense. He was in all probability a German, as he is seen to have associated much with Germans, being frequently called in as sponsor in German families. In October, 1657, he signed the petition of the Lutherans that they might retain Rev. Goetwater as Lutheran pastor in New Amsterdam. He had a house and lot on the east side of Heere Graft, "to the North of Pine St., to the East the house and lot of Jacobus Baker. West the said Gracht." He had children.
Fundort: Minneapolis, Minn.
Quelle: Scandinavian immigrants in New York, 1630-1674 / John O. Eylen; Extract der Seiten 390-436: Appendix IV. German Immigrants in NewYork, 1630-1674
Einsteller: Rainer Doerry  Mail

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